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Stone Under 10’s Derby Grand Slam

Stone Under 10’s Derby Grand Slam

Kayleigh Hill4 Jun 2023 - 18:48
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It all came down to one game!

Stone U10
Derby Grand Slam.

So on a sunny June morning we all made the early start to the fabulous looking Derby Arena.

With the velodrome bikes in full swing above our heads the team met up, some for the first time and some who haven’t played indoor before.

Game 1
Stone 0-2 City of York.

In our first game the goals came very early on but as the boys figured it out then Stone actually dominated the rest of the game, we just couldn’t score. We had 4 short corners to their non.

Game 2
Stone 0-3 Surbiton

Better game play this time from the Stone lads, this time it took 5 mins gone before first goal this time . Defended well and saved more potential goals against the overall winner of the day.

Game 3
Stone 2-1 Hertford

Played well, Hertford were a big team for their age but it was very much even.
Then…. We scored !
The Stone celebrations could be heard all over the arena!
Hertford, who are known to be a very good team got a goal back through a short corner but then we scored our second !
The crowd went wild!
We the hung on and this was the first of our points (3 points)

Game 4
Stone 1-0 Waltham Forest

Very close game. Both sides had their chances and stone saved a few!
The team seemed to be getting their heads around the differences and how to use the sticks, boards and the opponents feet to their advantage.
Then with less than 30 seconds to go ……….We scored! Another 3 points in the bag!

Game 5
So this was the game! We were now 3rd in the league! In 6 points, it was also very close with only 1 or 2 points in it!

If we won or drew we were in with a realistic prospect of a medal!

Stone 0-1 Marlow
Marlow appeared the better unit. We found out they trained indoor up to 4 times a week so we knew we had to big deep!
And that they did!
We had some chances and kept pushing but couldn’t convert, then around the 7th minute Marlow scored!
Marlow ultimately came second so once again Stone really did do a fab job!

So with the other results we ended the day in 5th. No medals and not last

Consolation game with Waltham Forest which was well fought, and Stone showed a lot of determination as they came from behind to level it. (1-1)

Well done to the lads, some who are still 9 and have another year to go again at this age..

….and thanks to Loz Bassett for sorting it out! The kids and parents had a good time and learnt lots, including making new friends.

Quotes from parents:

‘Really enjoyed it so thanks so much for organising Loz.’

‘Bless them they tried really hard today didn’t they. Thanks for organising for them to take part Loz and anyone else involved, I think it was a really good experience for them.’

‘Great play boys’

Last word from the manager: Loz Bassett

‘The boys played really well, picked up the concept of indoor hockey really quickly. Some of the boys hadn’t played ‘indoor’ before, so I’m delighted how they performed. I really hope the boys enjoyed the experience, which will benefit them in their playing development. Thank you all so much for your support’

Further reading